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Something new to blog about
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | 8:05 AM | 0 hearts♥
Word can't express how indigant and amused I was when I received an sms from one of my old classmates asking me to join her in a christmas party AT HER CHURCH.

Why the emphasis? Even an idiot would probably know it would be full of Christianity converting attempts or spreading the word of their almighty being up there waiting for me to experience.

Indigance at people whom till this very day still try to pull such stuff on "unsuspecting" friends. Can't be bothered if they are offended, because this seriously irks me to no end. You have your religion, I have my opinions, so stop persuading me. You don't know I don't like it? Now you know it. I can't imagined how many people have taken up this offer (especially young kids) and go around trying to do the same to others in the end.

Amusement at the fact that these people really believe it's a normal Christmas party. I wouldn't mind the singing and eating if they didn't talk about their religion, but that's not gg to happen isn't it. It's at a church after all.

Christians may argue and say, NO? WE VERY NICE ONE, WHERE GOT TRY AND CONVERT YOU. But you know and I know it's a 10/10 chance that this happens, so don't bother seriously. I DO know better. And PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE don't try and practise your english on me by trying to make it sound like it's just a harmless acquiring of knowledge and enlightenment and that I wouldn't get persuaded to try if I refused. If I had to put it crudely, it's brainwashing. But since most people disagree earnestly with that word, I'll call it the scheming method of persuasion into everlasting enlightenment which is subjected to different people. Nicer anot?

I say "Oh my god", but really, that's just a figure of speech. Oh my god.

There are several people whom are hypocritical Christians, joining in purely because:
1) friends joining
2) looks cool (rather debatable)
3) too lazy to think of more, the top 2 will do

Random thoughts:
I have friend A whom I've never liked even in primary school becoming a Christian and blahblahblahs about sometimes, but maybe that's just due to my bias beforehand since she's usually very disliked (or so I think).

Friend B always huddles with her 2 nice friends which aptly are both Christians, of which one is very devout and the other.... bah lol. No surprises when I saw her clasping her palms together praying before her meal during lunch. *shrugs* Don't know if she faithfully practises what's done in the religion, but I tend to be skeptical. She doesn't look like the kind anyway.

People in the forums that I visit, asking others to shut up about saying they don't believe in Christianity when they are going about everywhere in the thread(the thread question was: Does god exist?) proclaiming how great he is, how he exists in the world truely, how much faith they have in the religion - OOI, YOU KNOW THAT'S CALL DOUBLE STANDARDS?

Blind faith, a classic example:

In the past people thought that there were fire, lightning gods in the world until science came along and proved them wrong. So who knows, maybe a few years down the road, some phenomena which cannot be explained yet by science may be revealed, then can we still claim that it's a "work of god"? No. So it doesn't mean that god definitely exists just because we cannot prove it entirely. Neither does it mean that there isn't god; we don't know, but we cannot freely assume there is one either. <- I posted something like this in the forums.

That bugger responded: Well ok, but I will still continue to believe in my faith to my religion <- somewhere along that line as well

I don't know how you describe him, but I call this STUBBORNESS. Tell these people nicely and they shut up (because they can't argue anymore) and say oh I believe in my faith all along, nvm. EH?! Then we might as well don't hold the conversation if you have no intention of accepting my explanation la! It's so exasperating, I feel like slapping the person left right center until my irritation goes away. Don't tell me that you accepted my explanation. If you did, you wouldn't be sprouting stuff about how in the end after touring the world 123502492013 times nothing changed for you. You MERELY couldn't refute the points, that's all. I'm not saying that ohhhhhhh I'm so great, I shut you up and believe in me or something, but the least you could do is to accept it graciously and not be like some stubborn donkey born from a stubborn donkey and say HEY YOU KNOW WHAT? I'VE GOT MY FAITH, I DON'T REALLY CARE WHEEEEE =D

Stop being an effing hypocrite, or what as NM2101 says, STOP EMPLOYING A CLOSED SYSTEM AND LISTEN TO FEEDBACK DAMMIT. BE MORE FLEXIBLE!!!!!!!!!

In a nutshell: Don't poke me with your fork, and I won't poke you with my cleaver (mine's potentially much more fatal 'cause I'll probably fry them if they tried to convert me, I'm serious) I'm happy enough to stay where I am. I don't advocate people leaving religions or become aestheists or to be sandwiched in between (ie not religious not aestheist, just purely neutral) because that's up to them. You want to do anything it's up to you, just DON'T INVOLVE ME. If you involve me, make sure you have the sincerity not like the bugger above to do it all the way until there's a reasonable compromise between both of us.

Disclaimer: No where in this post have I ridiculed the religion itself nor mocked it's practises, values, beliefs, sayings, etcetc. It's really just the way certain Christians behave that seriously irritate the shit out of me. Or maybe when I need to shit I'll go find them. (Interesting idea.) And stop jumping to conclusions that I'm saying all Christians (if you did), I didn't. If you didn't, then thank you.
